Alexei A. Lapkin holds the position of Professor of Sustainable Reaction Engineering at University of Cambridge. His group is working on developing sustainable methods of chemical synthesis. This includes work on transition towards digital chemistry – machine learning and data science for chemical process design. The group is including explicit sustainability criteria in design of chemical products and processes.

Zhen Guo obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. With 9 years of experience in both industry and academia, Zhen has experiences in heterogeneous catalysis, organic synthesis, flow chemistry, DoE and machine learning. He focuses on development of in silico solutions for industrial challenges through chemoinformatics, data mining, and machine learning.

Igor Lobanov is a software engineer with 20+ years of experience in the industry. Throughout his career he worked in a variety of sectors such as telecommunications, financial services, and logistics. Igor specializes in helping organizations to modernize and digitize their product development, sales, customer service, and operations with cutting edge technology.

Shambhawi obtained her PhD from University of Cambridge. Her PhD work was in the area of inverse design of materials, where she developed active learning strategies and reaction networks approach to analysis of micro kinetic models. Within CDI Shambhawi is working on machine learning models linking reaction networks with process networks, leading to tools for prediction of environmental impacts of novel reactions.

Adarsh Arun is currently a PhD student at the University of Cambridge, based at Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore (CARES Ltd), co-sponsored by CDI. Adarsh’s PhD is on developing tools for linking reaction networks with bio-waste feedstocks data to allow automated planning of synthesis plans starting from bio-renewable feedstocks.

Laura Pascazio completed her PhD at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. She previously worked at Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore (CARES Ltd). At CDI Laura is a Senior Scientists responsible for process modelling and machine learning for process design.